If you’re a speech therapist, you know how crucial it is to hone in on the fundamentals of language, including verb agreement. Verb agreement may seem like a minor aspect of speech, but it’s vital to proper communication. When verbs don’t agree with their subjects, it creates confusion and can make a sentence difficult to understand. In this article, we’ll discuss verb agreement and how speech therapists can teach it to their clients.

Verb agreement refers to the way that verbs change to match their subjects. In English, most verbs follow a simple pattern where they add an “s” at the end for third-person singular subjects. For example, “I run,” but “He runs.” It’s important for clients to learn this rule and identify the subject of a sentence before choosing the correct verb form.

Teaching verb agreement to clients can be challenging, but there are strategies that speech therapists can use to help make it easier. One approach is to provide visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help clients understand the verb agreement concept. For example, a picture of a singular person and a plural group can help illustrate the difference between singular and plural verb forms.

Another tactic is to provide clients with plenty of practice exercises that focus on verb agreement. It’s important for clients to see and practice different verb forms in context, so they can become more familiar with the concept. Exercises can include sentence completion activities, matching exercises, and even games that reinforce proper verb agreement.

Speech therapists can also use technology to help teach verb agreement. There are many online tools and games that focus on this concept and can provide additional practice for clients. The use of technology can also make the learning process more engaging and rewarding for clients.

In conclusion, verb agreement is an important aspect of language that can be challenging for clients to learn. As a speech therapist, it’s essential to take the time to teach and reinforce this concept with your clients. By providing visual aids, practice exercises, and using technology, you can help your clients improve their grammar skills and become more confident communicators. With patience and perseverance, your clients can master this fundamental aspect of language and better express themselves in their daily lives.