Subject-verb agreement is one of the essential rules of English grammar. It dictates that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in person and number. This means that a singular subject requires a singular verb, while a plural subject requires a plural verb.

Subject-verb agreement errors occur when there is a mismatch between the subject and verb in a sentence. Such errors can compromise the clarity and meaning of a sentence, making it difficult for readers to understand the writer`s intended message.

To avoid subject-verb agreement errors, it`s essential to practice regularly. This article will provide an exercise to test your knowledge of subject-verb agreement, helping you identify and correct such errors in your writing.


Identify the subject-verb agreement error in the following sentences and correct it.

1. The group of students were going on a field trip.

2. Neither of the brothers has finished their homework.

3. John, along with his friends, is playing basketball.

4. The committee members are divided on the issue.

5. One of the most significant challenges facing the company is managing its resources.


1. The group of students was going on a field trip.

2. Neither of the brothers has finished his homework.

3. John, along with his friends, are playing basketball. (The correct sentence would be “John, along with his friends, is playing basketball.” The subject is “John,” which is singular, and “along with his friends” is a prepositional phrase that doesn`t affect the subject-verb agreement.)

4. The committee members are divided on the issue. (The subject is “committee members,” which is plural)

5. One of the most significant challenges facing the company is managing its resources. (The subject is “one,” which is singular.)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that must be followed to ensure clear communication. Practicing exercises like the one provided above, regularly can help you avoid these errors, leading to error-free writing and effective communication.