If you are a UK resident who also has income from the US, you might be wondering about the existence of a double taxation agreement between the two countries. A double taxation agreement, also known as a tax treaty, is a legal agreement between two countries that seeks to prevent individuals and businesses from being taxed twice on the same income.

So, does the UK have a double taxation agreement with the US? The short answer is yes. In fact, the UK and the US have had a double taxation agreement in place since 1975, and it has been updated and amended several times since then.

The current version of the UK-US double taxation agreement covers a wide range of taxes, including income tax, corporation tax, and capital gains tax. It applies to UK residents who have income from the US, as well as US residents who have income from the UK.

Under the terms of the agreement, individuals and businesses can take advantage of a number of provisions to avoid double taxation. For example, if you are a UK resident who receives income from the US, you can claim a credit for any US tax you have paid on that income against your UK tax liability.

Similarly, if you are a US resident who receives income from the UK, you can claim a credit for any UK tax you have paid on that income against your US tax liability. This helps to ensure that you only have to pay tax on your income once, rather than twice.

However, it`s worth noting that the UK-US double taxation agreement is quite complex, and it`s always a good idea to seek advice from a professional tax advisor if you have any questions or concerns about your tax liability.

In addition to the double taxation agreement, the UK and the US also have a number of other tax-related agreements in place, such as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). These agreements help to ensure that individuals and businesses are paying the correct amount of tax in both countries, and that tax evasion and avoidance are minimised.

In conclusion, the UK does have a double taxation agreement with the US, which helps to prevent individuals and businesses from being taxed twice on the same income. If you have any questions or concerns about your tax liability, it`s always a good idea to seek advice from a professional tax advisor.